Watt controller con un inverter AEG
(video Mobile) (video computer)
Senseo con un inverter AEG
(video Mobile) (video computer)
Campinglife is a travel program on RTL-4, which is broadcast weekly on Saturdays at 6.55 pm (repeat Sunday, 9.25 am). In Campinglife several campsites are recommended and the latest gadgets can be seen in the field of camping. Similarly, there is a broadcast dedicated to the Watt controller.
Broadcast Watt controller Campinglife
(video mobile) (video computer)
Senseo nella carovana
Have 4 amps on the campsite and you want to grill with a grill plate of 1800 watts,
then put the Watt controller on position 4 and … .. grilling!
then put the Watt controller on position 4 and … .. grilling!
Grillen (1800 W) con il Watt controller