Order via e-mail.
  • Before you can place an order, you need to register yourself as a customer.
  • After Camparo receives an order, you receive an affirmation by e-mail.
  • The product has to be paid for, before Camparo proceeds to the shipment (If you want to pay in terms, you need to contact Camparo by e-mail. Take into account the extra costs and a longer delivery time.
  • When Camparo receives the payment, this is confirmed by e-mail. The delivery time starts at that moment.
  • The invoice is simultaneously sent with the product, by post or by e-mail. This invoice counts as a warranty; so keep this safe.
  • The delivery happens within 30 days after receiving the payment. If this term gets exceeded, you will get a message as soon as possible. If you then want to cancel your order, the buying agreement will be dissolved without costs. Camparo will transfer the money you paid back to you as soon as possible. In any case, the refund will take place within 30 days after the breaking of the buying agreement.
  • Camparo takes the responsibility for the undamaged arrival of the product.
  • Is the product in good state, but you regret your buy, you have a time for reflection of 14 days after receiving the product. You don’t need a reason, but conditions are:
  • that you return the product within 14 days after the receipt
  • that you sent with it the original invoice
  • that the article is not damaged and
  • that the article is in the original package.
After Camparo receives the product, the amount you paid will be transferred back to you as soon as possible, in any case within 30 days after the receipt of the article.
  • Camparo guarantees that a product gets repaired/replaced without costs, when at normal use (according to the general valid view) within 24 months after the purchase, problems appear, that come from visible faults in the production.
  • The delivery date of the article counts as the starting date of the guarantee period.
  • Defective products need to be offered with sufficient postage and a description of the complaint to Camparo Service (adress: see invoice). Also a copy of the invoice of the defective product needs to be sent.
The guarantee expires when:
  • non-authorized persons have done repairs, unless there are obvious agreements on paper about this
  • a defect is caused by external causes (for example bolt of lightning, misuse etc.)
  • the manual isn’t followed accurately
  • the type- or serial number on the print (if it’s present) have been changed, striped, removed or made unreadable.
  • changes are made in the invoice.
When the product is returned, while because of one of the reasons above the guarantee is not applicable, the product will not be refunded and costs for the examination will be charged.
  • Camparo only accepts liability for damage that occurs during normal use of the product through a default in the design or the production of the product; the reasons mentioned above for the expiration of the guarantee also count as exclusion reasons.
  • Camparo is not liable for damage caused as a result of inadequacies or shortcomings in equipment that is manufactured by third parties.
  • Camparo cannot be held liable for material damage or personal accidents as a result of a connection that is in contrary to the on the spot valid safety prescriptions and technical standards and contrary to the following of the manual.
Eindhoven, August 20th, 2014
© Camparo 2005 / 2024